Blues Against Hunger Frequently Asked Question
The Blues Against Hunger Society produces many concerts, tours, and events. The following are common questions, however, we encourage any questions bluesagainsthunger@gmail.com, or the chat app in the bottom right of the screen.

Q: How do BAHS events work?
A: All the BAHS food drive concert events work the same. They are always free to the public. The public is invited and encouraged them to come out and bring a non-perishable food donation the night of the event. Which is placed in collection barrels provided in advance by the local food bank.
Q: Do people bring food and drop off at the event location?
A: Yes. Food donations are collected during the event. We have had venues in the past place a food donation barrel out all week in advance of the event to help promote the upcoming event and increase the food donations to help the community. If you would like to do this, we can make the arrangements.
Q: Where do the food donations go?
A: All the food donations go to the local food bank in your area. We arrange with the local organization to come and pick up the donations, normally the following business day.
Q: Where do the food donations go?
A: All the food donations go to the local food bank in your area. We arrange with the local organization to come and pick up the donations, normally the following business day.
Q: Can I make a cash donation?
A: No. Unfortunately, the Blues Against Hunger Society does not accept cash donations, only food. The organization is supported by the venues hosting the events.
Q: Why do you do this?
A: Our purpose is to bring awareness to the growing problem of hungry, collect donations for the local food banks and share the blues. Blues and hunger are both born of poverty. Blues is about overcoming, and with blues, we can help overcome hunger. We try and keep it simple.
Q: How long have you produced blues food drives?
A: We have been producing blues food drives since March 2013.
Q: How is the event marketed/advertised?
A: Each EVENT is supported by the Blues Against Huner staff with print marketing, social and traditional marketing with Press Releases and radio; lots of visibility.
Q: How can the venue (You) help market their event?
A: Simple, just do what (You) do now...in-house market with postering, FB posts, and word of mouth.
Q: How long have you produced blues food drives?
A: We have been producing blues food drives since March 2013.
Q: How is the event marketed/advertised?
A: Each EVENT is supported by the Blues Against Huner staff with print marketing, social and traditional marketing with Press Releases and radio; lots of visibility.
Q: How can the venue (You) help market their event?
A: Simple, just do what (You) do now...in-house market with postering, FB posts, and word of mouth.
Q: Who provides the blues music?
Q: Who provides the blues music?
A: The host band Sweet Sixx and The Wild Pack will host the event with guest jammers and pre-arranged guest celebrity musicians from the area.
Q: Do you play music and promote at the same time?
Q: Do you play music and promote at the same time?
A: Yes, but not more than any charitable event. Primarily the event is a blues concert with special guest musicians and jam. During the event, we will thank the audience for donations, explain what the event is all about, introduce guests musicians, etc.
Q: Who pays for the event?
A: The venue would simply pay the event host band equal to that of any average local band. Specific details are worked out with each venue individually. The BAHS provides all the marketing, guest appearances, and social marketing.
Q: Is it aways blues?
A: Yes, but in a wide range of styles. Sometimes the setlist is specific to a region, or specific songs are performed because of guest musicians' requests, etc. The setlist usually ranges between old classic blues standards to modern blues-rock.
Q: Are the events always electric?
A: No. The music can change based on the venue's zoning or license, For this reason, some events are electric blues and some are all acoustic. While some allow cover music and some only original material. The tour can accommodate almost any venue or audience.
Q: Can the musicians in this group benefit by contributing their music and are you able to pay them in some way (since the musicians are also hurting)
A: We do not make anything from the channel. YouTube allows no monetization of other videos, so we have no way to produce revenue from the streaming channel. This is the mission statement for BAHS non-profit: ...dedicated to producing live blues music events that promote the collection and distribution of non-perishable food to the hungry...
We have produced weekly live events in US and Mexico in multiple cities each and every week, with each city having different guest bands and musicians every week, each got paid, always. The payment came from the venue, exactly like all gigs. We bring in the musicians and the audience brings food in lieu of a ticket price. This was our model. COVID-19 took that all away. Last summer alone we raised nearly 28,000 pounds of food in just 3 northern Mexican towns playing blues. This summer through donations to chapters we have raised 13,000+ half of last year.
BAHS Musicians and fans: https://www.bahsociety.com/gallery
BAHS Event:https://www.bahsociety.com/BAHS-Event-Posters
Q: Who pays for the event?
A: The venue would simply pay the event host band equal to that of any average local band. Specific details are worked out with each venue individually. The BAHS provides all the marketing, guest appearances, and social marketing.
Q: Is it aways blues?
A: Yes, but in a wide range of styles. Sometimes the setlist is specific to a region, or specific songs are performed because of guest musicians' requests, etc. The setlist usually ranges between old classic blues standards to modern blues-rock.
Q: Are the events always electric?
A: No. The music can change based on the venue's zoning or license, For this reason, some events are electric blues and some are all acoustic. While some allow cover music and some only original material. The tour can accommodate almost any venue or audience.
Q: Can the musicians in this group benefit by contributing their music and are you able to pay them in some way (since the musicians are also hurting)
A: We do not make anything from the channel. YouTube allows no monetization of other videos, so we have no way to produce revenue from the streaming channel. This is the mission statement for BAHS non-profit: ...dedicated to producing live blues music events that promote the collection and distribution of non-perishable food to the hungry...
We have produced weekly live events in US and Mexico in multiple cities each and every week, with each city having different guest bands and musicians every week, each got paid, always. The payment came from the venue, exactly like all gigs. We bring in the musicians and the audience brings food in lieu of a ticket price. This was our model. COVID-19 took that all away. Last summer alone we raised nearly 28,000 pounds of food in just 3 northern Mexican towns playing blues. This summer through donations to chapters we have raised 13,000+ half of last year.
BAHS Musicians and fans: https://www.bahsociety.com/gallery
BAHS Event:https://www.bahsociety.com/BAHS-Event-Posters
Q: How many people do you anticipate coming?
A: Tough question. In all honesty, it varies greatly by the market; their generosity, their love of blues, or the scheduled guest appearances. What we have learned through years of event promotion: shows sell, but events sell out. We put a lot of energy into marketing, networking, arranging special guests, etc. All the being said, we try to quantify 100 people min. However, the 2016 Winter tour exceeded 200 on several occasions and 300 more than once - in MEXICO.
Q: How many people do you anticipate coming?
A: Tough question. In all honesty, it varies greatly by the market; their generosity, their love of blues, or the scheduled guest appearances. What we have learned through years of event promotion: shows sell, but events sell out. We put a lot of energy into marketing, networking, arranging special guests, etc. All the being said, we try to quantify 100 people min. However, the 2016 Winter tour exceeded 200 on several occasions and 300 more than once - in MEXICO.
Q: How do people find out?
A: BAHS supports all our events with print marketing, social and traditional marketing and PR; lots of visibility, and lots of positive energy. Additionally, networking though BAHS members, large blues Facebook groups, blues societies throughout the United States, and through word of mouth between blues fans and musicians.
Q: Is Blues Against Hunger a 501c3?
A: Not yet, but we are in the process. The BAHS does not accept cash donations, only food. Which is then donated to the local food bank.
Q: Where do you publish your financial accounting and breakdown, what are your total earnings and what have you paid out to the hungry? A: BAHS began in 2013 and never accepted cash donations until April 12, 2020. Because of COVID -19 our last live event was March 8, it took us a month until April 12 to find the best way to keep BAHS' mission alive during this crisis and then to implement it. I can say that from April 12 to today, 100% has been used to purchase food and we are severely lacking. However, if you are uncomfortable donating money, you can donate directly to any of our community partners or your own local food bank....just be sure to listen to some blues on your way to drop off your donation. Below are a few helpful links. Thanks again, sorry for the long-winded reply.
BAHS Board of Directors: www.bahsociety.com/Directors
BAHS Founders: www.bahsociety.com/Founders
BAHS Community Partners: www.bahsociety.com/PARTNERS BAHS Blog: www.bluesagainsthunger.org/
Q: Is Blues Against Hunger a 501c3?
A: Not yet, but we are in the process. The BAHS does not accept cash donations, only food. Which is then donated to the local food bank.
Q: Where do you publish your financial accounting and breakdown, what are your total earnings and what have you paid out to the hungry? A: BAHS began in 2013 and never accepted cash donations until April 12, 2020. Because of COVID -19 our last live event was March 8, it took us a month until April 12 to find the best way to keep BAHS' mission alive during this crisis and then to implement it. I can say that from April 12 to today, 100% has been used to purchase food and we are severely lacking. However, if you are uncomfortable donating money, you can donate directly to any of our community partners or your own local food bank....just be sure to listen to some blues on your way to drop off your donation. Below are a few helpful links. Thanks again, sorry for the long-winded reply.
BAHS Board of Directors: www.bahsociety.com/Directors
BAHS Founders: www.bahsociety.com/Founders
BAHS Community Partners: www.bahsociety.com/PARTNERS BAHS Blog: www.bluesagainsthunger.org/