Rio Samaya Band on the Road in Baja

Is a traveling band that shares the stage with dancers, singers,
musicians, jugglers, poets and an audience ready to have a collective experience of joy and fun.
Rio Samaya has a heart that beats in the present, fusion of music and talent, lovers of magic, full moons, forests, rivers, oceans and nights with friends around the fire. The Rio Samaya Band tunes in to channel music, to bring life, love and peace to everyone.
RIO SAMAYA BAND and Music, or traveling with music is what Rio Samaya have done in the last years touring the world. With a wide variety of songs and so many things to talk about during the show, they will give a real sensation of moving musically from country to country and from past to present.
Popular songs, eternal songs, songs that one can sing over and over again and never get tired of them, songs that weave the past and present, the traditions and cultures all together, songs that break the boundaries created by egoism and the differences between humans.
The honor and respect that we owe to songs from other authors is infinite. They have helped us to establish a warm contact with audiences of all ages and origins. We, the poets and musicians are in this world to talk about love, reveal the injustices, help the dreamers and to accompany each one in their daily work and rest, also for moments of pleasure or to ease the heart-breaks and sadness.
We are not all the same but each one of us is part of a whole. It's not the music that makes the world but it's the world that needs the music, and this is our contribution to help and to be close to our friends, family and those that one way or another cross our path.
We are forever grateful to all the musicians, composers and poets who preceded us and left us their teachings and advice.
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