416 Pounds / 188 Kilos - Rosarito Great Job!
It was only the 3rd Rosarito Chapter Blues Against Hunger Jam yesterday and it was a great success. 416 pounds / 188 kilos of food donated by Rosarito - Great job! All the food will go to Hearts of Baja charity. Steve and his staff at Mata Ashta Restaurant in San Anontio Del Mar did a wonderful job and the rain stayed away, thank you Mother Nature for giving us a sunny day.
- Alan Walker
- Hafid Herandez
- Tino Mendoza
- Mopar Murry
- Tim the drummer
- Zebra Night
Thank you to BAHS's specials guest Derek Wille on keyboard, guitar, and bass. Of course thank you the host band Sweet Sixx and the Wild Pack; Sixx, Sweet, Miguel Korsa, Phillip Singletary, and Kasudi on Drums, all held the groove for this Bluesy Day. Lots of dancing going on from our lively crowd.
The Rosarito BAHS Chapter put together wonderful raffles items donated by:
- Wine Picnic Basket - Anne Marie Martin\
- The Manly Gift Box - Sandra Walker
- Pet Spa Basket - Anne Marie Martin & Claudia Araujo
- Garden Basket - Rosarito BAHS Crew
All baskets assembled by the Rosarito BAHS Crew. And there is more… BAHS Rosarito would like to thank the following local businesses and resident for the super corticates. Thank you to:
- ABC Pizza, 1 topping medium pizza
- Los Amigos Sports Bar and Grill, $10 Gift Certificate
- Ruben’s Palm Grill Restaurant and Bar
- Palmar Paradise, entry for 2 to the complex
- Plan B, Gift certificate
- Vicky Lopez, massage
- Mata Ashta Restaurant, $25 gift certificate
Get ready, next Sunday July 25, 2021, music starts at 3:00pm at Mata Ashta, your special guest is Jasper Van Page will be the special guest musician on guitar.
Support the fight against hunger, while listening to some wonderful Blues music. Bring 10 pounds/4.5 kilos of food to any BAHS Jamboree and receive a free special raffle ticket.
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